Friday, June 4, 2010

Fun Stuff

So, we're back to morning naps after all. I'm just amazed at how well Evan does when he's tired, but without the morning nap he'd have to go to bed so early that his Daddy would hardly get to see him at all. He just started being interested in trying to walk. He takes big goofy steps (with someone holding his hands, of course) and looks so pleased with himself. His Aunt Allyssa lent him a fun toy he can stand in and play. It's a blessing for me because I'm always looking for somewhere to put him, and he seems to love it. This morning (at 2:45) he was fussing, so I went in to check him and he was Sitting up chewing on his stuffed dog. This is the first time he's ever sat himself up. Weird timing, but cool nonetheless.
Joel's been saying "do you understand what I'm talking about?" lately. It's appropriate, because a lot of times I don't have a clue. He says to Evan "Are you listening, do you hear what I'm saying?", to which i remind him that Evan is still a baby. This morning Joel got up at 6:15, and said "bye" to his daddy, and then when Evan woke up at 7:00, he went in there and played with him and organized the diapers and stacked them neatly under the crib (he's too strange sometimes). Well, cousins are coming today and we're going to have FUN!...better get going:)

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