Thursday, February 18, 2010

Happy half-birthday to Evan Micah!

My baby is 6 months old today! Wow, ready or not, they're growing up. I decided that it was about time for Evan to start trying to sleep in a bed (he's been sleeping in his car seat since he was born, because his reflux bothered him when he was laying down.), so this morning I put him down for a nap in a playpen. Joel went in there with him to "read" to him and talk to him, and the we left and he went to sleep. We'll keep working on that, I think. He's actually got a bit of a cold, so he's been pretty fussy today :(. A couple of days ago, we put him on his tummy and he started digging his toes into the carpet and pushing with his legs. Unfortunately, his arms weren't doing anything, so he was scooting on his face. Well, it's a good try anyway.
Last night, I was driving home with Joel in the back seat, and talking to Av on the phone. I was talking about some things God's been teaching me through some books I've been reading, and I made a comment that one thing fit right into the message on Sunday about trying to see the log in our own eye before seeing the speck in someone else's eye. I'm talking along when I hear a little voice in the backseat say "Mommy, I heard Pastor Donny say the nursery....I heard him say that, Mommy." I was absolutely blow away. He was listening! the nursery, and he remembered! This is just to encourage anyone reading that you never know when your children are listening, or what they might remember; so keep exposing them to good stuff...they just might be listening:)

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear of Evan's progress! Boy oh boy, here's the beginning of it all. Before you know it he'll be crawling!! :) His sweet little face makes me smile! Happy half birthday Evan!

    That's so great that Joel was listening in the nursery. You are so right about not knowing what they're actually hearing/taking in. It's encouraging yet scary!! Makes ya just wanna pour into these little guys huh? They're like sponges!

    Hope you've had a good day and enjoyed a little bit of sunshine!

