Thursday, February 25, 2010

Busy Week

Wow...has it really been a week already? Busy-ness sure makes time pass quickly, and we've been so busy! Monday, Evan went for his 6 month checkup. It went really well. He's growing taller, but not gaining a whole lot of weight. He's sure not built like his brother! After the appointment, we went to Brentwood to meet Av for lunch. I'm definitely going to have to do that more often. I love spending time with that man! ;) Tuesday was Mom's birthday, so we went to celebrate a little with her. I'm so thankful for her! She's helped me so much to understand how to be a loving, kind, long-suffering, servant-hearted (etc...) Mom myself. One of the biggest things I hope I've learned from her though, is how to be a friend to my children as they grow up. It's so cool having my mom as my best friend (after my husband of course). So, in case I haven't told you enough, I love you Mom!
let's see....Wednesday I was home, but it was a pretty hard day for me because I was overwhelmed with things to catch up on, and didn't really know where to start. I ended up finishing most of my list, but I saw so many other things that needed to go on the list. Quite discouraging! After talking to Av about it, I've decided to write down everything I can think of that I need to do, so I can look at it when I'm planning what to do each day. I'm still working on it, but I've already come up with A LOT. Basically, I wrote down (with categories and columns), all of the things I can think of that I want to spend any time on in the near future. It actually makes me feel better to have it all down on paper, because I don't have a gnawing feeling that I'm forgetting something important. Now I just need to spend some more time thinking and prioritizing. All I know is, I've got to do something differently. As it is now, I just end up putting off anything that isn't urgent, until it gets to be urgent, so I end up with a day here and there where everything is urgent AT THE SAME TIME. Not fun. If I could break that pattern, I think I might get back on the right track. Anyway, I think today's been a bit better, but I still have lots of progress to make.
Oh yeah, and Evan's eating solid food now! (Maybe he'll start sleeping again!)

1 comment:

  1. Apryl, I don't know if you'd be interested or not, but I use a system from that really helps me keep track of everything that's going on and what all needs to be done and when (since that's usually the most important part-lol!) You might want to go check her out sometime.
