Monday, February 1, 2010

snow, and fun stories

We had a great weekend snowed-in. Fresh cinnamon rolls, games, good music, and Joanna being with us, made it quite bearable. Saturday we took Joel out for his first snow experience. He had a lot of fun, and didn't seem terribly bothered by the cold. The snow was not wet enough to make snow balls, but we built a sort of igloo by breaking it in pieces. I was very thankful for our wonderful warm house after that. Evan has been very sweet the last few days, even though I'm still pretty sure he's teething. I just love that baby! Joel said a couple of pretty funny things (surprise:) that I want to try to write down. It's just not the same without hearing his voice, but here goes:
We were sitting at the table eating and talking as usual. I don't even remember what we were talking about, but I used the phrase "speaking of which...", and before I could finish, Joel jumps in with "speaking of sand-which (he was eating a sandwich)...ha ha ha." Silly I know, but there it is. I think he has his father's sense of humor. The other thing was at bedtime. I said "Okay, time to get ready for bed". Joel picks up my cell phone, pushes the button on the front, and says, "No, it's not time for bed yet, it's only 6:30." Nice try, but it was really 10:00, so to bed he went. I guess he must see me looking at the phone to check the time a lot. That reminded me of when I was on bed rest and my cell phone and I had to take a pill every 6 hours, so I set an alarm on my phone. One day it went off, and I was about to ask someone to hand me my medicine when Joel comes dashing (and I really mean dashing!) into the room, hands me the bottle of pills, and says "you need this mommy." I was pretty much shocked. Not only did he make the connection between the alarm and the pills, but he actually paid attention to where they were (which happened to be in my purse that time). He keeps us quite entertained. I am very blessed indeed.

1 comment:

  1. Aww...cute stories. Isn't it scary how much they watch and listen to us? Boy! Glad you guys had a fun weekend see ya soon!

    (So glad you've stared the blog, I'm definitely a follower!)
